Help-Portrait Today!

Today is Help-Portrait! I'm blogging on-site to give all 3 readers of my blog an update. Things here are going great! I'm at the post-processing table for a while working in Lightroom. It's been so much fun getting to meet and talk with photogs from all over Atlanta.

Most of the families we're taking pix of are associated with Families First Midtown. Families First is an organization that helps families with everything including foster child adoption, family counseling, helping homeless new mothers, and a number of other issues. It's a really awesome organization that helps all over Atlanta.

We've had a bunch of families through here getting their pix done. Overall the Atlanta Help-Portrait is expecting.400+ families at the 5 locations. There are definitely some cute kiddies around here.

That's all for now. Hope to have some behind the scenes shots up next week!