The next day Curt and I went to Mt. Rainier and hiked and camped there. It was absolutely gorgeous. The mountain was amazing (and intimidating), the flowers were blooming all over the place, and the views were incredible. I can't say we even made it halfway up, though we got close. We had views of a glacier and waterfall and came up on the most amazing bathroom I've ever seen. Aside from a delta flight, I can't say I've been to a toilet at such a high altitude. We camped at "Cougar Rock" campgrounds. The name was incredibly misleading as Curt and I found no older single women looking to prey upon younger men. Maybe it just wasn't hunting season.
These first few pictures were from a "rustic garden" on the way to the park. It was too ridiculous not to stop and take pictures. I'll stop and let the pictures do the rest of the talking... fun trip. Highly recommend it to anyone looking for some beautiful scenery and good camping.