
Company of Thieves & GIAC @ Vinyl Atlanta

Something that may not be a surprise to you is that I love music.  I've been playing in a band for a few years with good friends and I love seeing live shows whenever I can.  When I attend shows around town, I always try [when I remember ahead of time] to work a trade deal with one of the bands playing:  put me on the list, and I'll shoot and I'll give you photos for your website.  Though it's a bit more work for me than it is for them, I love taking photos and seeing shows for free.  :)  Most of all, I know that I'm supporting musicans at a time where it is increasingly hard to live on the income.  I can speak to it first hand that trying to make money on your music is nearly impossible- between producing an album and EP, instrument repair and replacement, and gas money our band is well in the hole... but we love it and we still do it.  Knowing that I can mix my photography passion with my music passion gives me all kinds of warm and fuzzies on the inside.  Here are photos from a recent shoot with Company of Thieves and Girl in a Coma at Vinyl Atlanta.  The lighting was pretty tough in here, so I ended up mostly with singer photos.  The next show I shoot at Vinyl, I plan to try and work out some lighting... or invest in a camera with better ISO performance.