
Barnhart/Lord Wedding

This is to build on the teaser I put up a couple of weeks ago found here from the Barnhart/Lord wedding in Athens, GA.  The ceremony was great and the reception was jam-packed full of  fun, food, and dancing.  As much as I love DJs and recorded dance music, it's hard to beat a good wedding band.  The the Bride and groom were happy as can be and were not fearful of bustin' a move on the dance floor!  As usual, I'll let the photos do most of the talking.  Brides don't typically hire me fore my literary skills.  :)

The bride's daughter was able to watch the "first look" from a window nearby.

One of my favorite things about this church was that the kids were able to ring the bell after the ceremony.  How cool is that!?

This happened to be a photo taken by accident when my on-camera flash was switched off... and I liked it.  :)

Headshots and Happy Hour!

I was approached a couple of months ago to participate in a new Vanderbilt alumni networking event called Headshots and Happy Hour.  The premise is simple.   Send out notice to the alumni association about a networking event where you can come hang out, have a few beers, and mingle.  The neat part is that for a small fee, people can have a professional photographer (me!) snap a couple of pix of them before they get too many beers deep.  That way they can update their Linkedin or Facebook profiles without the crappiness of mall photo studios or paying a few hundred bucks for a full session fee.  All in all I really enjoyed.  I got to meet a lot of new people, give out business cards and tell them about Alex the Photo Guy and take a few pix along the way!  Here are some of the shots we got with a simple white background and 3 lights.






My First Two Days + Will 4 Prez

I am on my way!  Last week marked my first step in going full time photography.  I was able to work out a deal with my full time employer to have two days off a week with the intentions of cutting back further (or completely) in the next month or two.  It's a scary and exciting feeling at the same time.  I know I want to do photography, but it's REALLY tough to give up a steady paycheck working with great people.  Right now I feel kinda like I'm ending a serious relationship for a new love, but still calling the old flame... on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. I have been basically working two full time jobs for the past couple of years between real estate and photography.  I'd love to say my first two workdays dedicated solely to photography were very proactive, but in reality they were spent catching up on a backlog of items.  My to do list for getting the business in order is still a mile long and I've barely made a dent in it.  Over last Wednesday and Friday I was able to catch up on some editing of an impromtu executive shoot, get my new laptop, and clean the home office to about 40% organized.  The highlight of my Friday was meeting with a bride-to-be and mother for a wedding I'll be shooting in Athens in a few weeks.  Keep a watch out on here for the Barnhart wedding, because Megan is going to be a stunning bride.  On the docket for this week:  meet with my CPA about taxes, change over my personal and business insurance, and blog about my headshot sessions.

Now, because this is a photo blog- where would it be without photos?  I didn't happen to take a single photo of my (still) messy office and my PJs, so I thought I'd include a photo session based around politics given tomorrow is Super Tuesday.  My cousin, Will, attends Southern Wesleyn College in South Carolina.  Growing up he was a quiet, bashful kid that, like me, grew up being more musically inclined than his sports-oriented younger brother.  Since graduating high school and moving off to college, he has come exploding out of his shell.  He actually was one of the highlights of our wedding with his shaggy Mick Jagger haircut and non-stop moves on the dance floor.  He had everyone asking "who is that crazy guy on the dance floor?" and at one point challenged one of Keri's bridesmaids (a professional dancer) to a dance-off... and won!

He let me know a few weeks ago that he is running for Student Government President and needed some pictures of his cabinet.  They drove down to Atlanta donning suits to show they mean business. Will even cut his hair (somewhat) shorter. I was happy to help out because it gave me the opportunity to get out on the windiest day of the year in downtown Atlanta and shoot... seriously- it was comically windy.  Like lean 45 degrees into it windy. I'm glad I packed light, because there's no way I could have used any strobes or umbrellas for this shoot because they'd be in Montana by now rolling with the tumbleweeds. Everyone seemed to have a good time despite the weather and I hope that the marketing materials for their campaign pay off!







(Can you tell I was thinking The Colbert Report for this one?)

WPPI - Las Vegas!

I'm back from my first photography convention.  I'll be honest- it was a bit intimidating first seeing over 6,000 wedding and portrait photographers in one place.  I've seen extremely discouraging inspiring work by some amazingly talented professionals. The WPPI convention in Vegas has to be the largest assembly of photographers in the world all coming together at the MGM Grand for just a few days.  In addition to the masses and the classes, there were two grand ballrooms full of just about every type of photo vendor you could imagine. I flew in on Saturday and stayed with an old college friend I haven't seen since 2005. As it turns out, the best way to adjust to Vegas time is apparently to stay up until 3am on the first night- check!  Though it makes for a long first convention day. Day one of the convention started out with a 9am platform class with Zack and Jody Gray.  I would say out of all of the classes I attended, this class had the most tips for how I should be running my business. Their topic was outlining their above-and-beyond customer service- something I need to get better at. They always stay in touch with their brides throughout the booking process so that on the wedding day, the bride is super excited to see them and she has already informed all of her bridesmaids about their awesome photographers. They also went into a little bit about their social networking and pointed out that the only way to effectively utilize facebook is through immediacy- getting a few photos up the night OF the wedding, friending the entrire bridal party, and tagging everyone. I guess I just need to suck it up and instead of exhaustedly crashing after a wedding, get a couple of photos up from now on.

Later in the day I took a class from Kevin Kubota on lighting. Very informative, but probably boringly technical for the blog. Day two began with an 8am class given by Jerry Ghionis. I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't sold on him for the first 30 minutes of the class. He spent a lot of time talking about himself and not teaching much. However, when he got into showing his photos, along with behind the scenes videos- it was incredible what he could do with a very blah setting. Not that he didn't also shoot in amazing locations, but those are relatively easy to make beautiful. So much of his talent (in my opinion) was taking a small, boring bridal room at a church or a 2 star hotel room and making it into a portrait fit for the cover of a magazine. He utilized all kinds of natural backdrops and lighting from sources that normally scare off other photographers (like dappled or direct sunlight). For me, his work was inspiring and discouraging at the same time because it was so incredible.

Day two also included a trip out to Red Rocks National Park just outside of Vegas with my old college friend, Phil.  He was nice enough to drive me out there and hike around for about 4 hours with me while I snapped some photos. As far as photography goes, I think I have the furthest to go in the arena of landscape and nature photos, so I was glad to take the time to get some shots out there- even though I accidentally wore my dress shoes instead of sneakers... a very bad idea when climbing rocks.  I came very close to falling a few times (don't tell Keri). :)



And here, you must note the length of spring and fall in Nevada:


Later that evening was a surprise for me when I landed a ticket from the WPPI facebook group to a private concert by Ingrid Michaelson. You may remember her song "Take me the Way I Am" from Keri and my save-the-date video last year.


Day three was essentially the trade show... all day. It was overwhelming to see and speak to all of the different vendors that I had even the slightest interest in. I spoke to album-printers, web designers, camera and accessory manufacturers, printing companies, and just about everything else under the sun. They had live demonstrations all day at numerous booths. There were multiple models at each of these shoots dressed in tuxes and wedding dresses (and I always wanted to yell "congratulations!" but never did).


Proof that even models eat McDonald's fries:

To top off the day of being on my feet from 9am to 5pm, I decided to take it easy... and got out with Chelsea Patricia, Tamee Renee, and Kelly Lane for four hours of dancing at the VIP party at Tabu in the MGM.  This is after hanging out the night before with these girls and Tiffany Wayne.  We ended up making friends with Bradley Paul and Larry Reeves. It really was an incredible feeling to be surrounded by that many fellow photographers in one place- everyone I talked to was refreshing and genuinely excited to be there as well. Everyone loved shooting- whether it was their full time job for 20 years or part time for the past 2.

It was an incredible few days, needless to say. What I need to do now is go home, gather my notes and figure out how sculpt a plan for my business and passion going forward. With the knowledge I have from just these few days, I have plenty to keep me busy. First and foremost, I need to get out there and shoot with what I've learned! Who needs photos?!? :)

Bonus- me making a very cool thumbs up in front of Sigfreid and Roy's house in North Las Vegas.  According to my friend Phil who grew up around the corner, before they kept the animals off site, you could hear tigers roaring at feeding time every night.


A Great American, WPPI, and Conveniences

I will be catching up on the blog while I'm out in Vegas next week for the WPPI convention (Wedding and Portrait Photographer International) as I have a few shoots to update ya'll on.  I also wanted to update everyone that wants more convenience in their lives and with Alex the Photo Guy.  ATPG is now accepting all major credit cards through this nifty company called squareup!   Pretty neat-o, huh?  Sure it won't be for everyone, and it charges me a fee- but convenience is worth its weight in gold for my clients! Here's a portrait I shot in Eutaw, Alabama (yes, that's a place) a few weeks ago.   I was out on a farm with some friends and just thought this turned out to be a priceless facial expression from a Great American.   :)




Sippy Cups and Fluffy Cloud

For those of my three avid blog readers, you may have nocted a week went by without any fun pictures posted on the blog from Alex Boyce's Wedding last week.  Well, to make a long story short, a full glass of red wine was spilled on my 2-month-old laptop.  Lucky I always follow the rule of not deleting photos until I have at least two copies of all of them.  Usually I run with 3 copies at all times- hard drive, external hard drive, and the cloud (probably a cumulus, but perhaps cirrus).  All of the info on my tempranillo-flavored laptop is safe and sound, but the work I had done to the photos will be slowed a bit as I revert to my old computer to handle the job.

If I can give advice to anyone depending on technology for their business, my advice is to spend the extra money on rugged items that last.  All but one of my Canon lenses are the professional models- not just because they help with better quality pictures, but because when I'm shooting a wedding and accidentally kick a lens behind me skittering it across concrete, dangerously close to an olympic-sized pool, I want to know it's going to work for the reception afterward (this actually happened).  However, no matter how much you spend, these professional items do have their breaking point.  I bought my laptop from Lenovo (formerly IBM) because their ThinkPads are meant to be some of the most reliable out there.  You can see an example of their water-resistance here.  Unfortunately for me, it was a full glass of red wine dumped all at once into a speaker, rather than a few flowing ounces of crystal clean water on the keyboard.

The lessons learned here are: 1) that you should always backup, then backup again; 2) great hardware is nothing without a great accidental coverage warranty; and 3) make sure you and your friends drink Argentinian wine from sippy cups if around your fancy pants laptop.

Here's another teaser from the Boyce wedding.  More to come.


If you were in a wedding reception bar fight...

... you'd want these guys on your team.

Actually they're not an especially trained group of fighters, I just thought this picture turned out kinda badass.  This is a little teaser from the Boyce/McCollister wedding this weekend at the Woodstock Baptist Church.  More to come on this in the coming weeks, but in short it was a lot of fun and we captured a lot of great photos.


Isabella Smilin'

Over the years I've taken numerous family photos all over Georgia.  Big families, small families, families with dogs, cats, alpacas...  well not alpacas, but that would be pretty cool.  But out of all the families I've come across, I've never met a child happier than Isabella.  I'm not kidding.  If she wasn't smiling, she was laughing- but really she was just laughing most of the time.  Maybe I had something hanging out of my nose to set her off.  :)  Isabella, I'm told, is also fluent in Mandarin, reading at years above her level, and already is learning to play a musical instrument.  Needless to say, her mother is quite proud.  






And now the follow me routine.  :)

This baby is not crying, she's singing Journey's Greatest Hits.

"Just a small town girl... livin' in a lonely world," she started off.  From those few epic lyrics, I knew Kate Tucker was destined to be rock's one great hope.   She will [eventually] be what the world of rock music needs to save itself from the pop divas (yes Adam Levine, I'm talking about you) currently ruling the airwaves.  With rock radio stations dying at an alarming rate and rock record sales in sharp decline, Kate Tucker will save it all.  Though she barely has enough hair to tease and hairspray, she has some very healthy vocal cords and a desire to ROCK (note below, her hands are both making the Sign of the Horns).  It's just too bad she's still roughly 17.9 years away from being able to go on tour without her parents... just don't stop believin'.


... and now for the rest of Kate Tucker's Christmas/newborn family photos.  :)






Moustaches are always fun

A fine Saturday afternoon... for moustaches!  Seriously, Sarah, Patrick, Brian, and I had a great time walking around Decatur scoping out photo spots last weekend.  This type of shoot is exactly the reason why I bought the BULK pack of fake moustaches to keep in my camera bag at all times.   In most spots we were able to get 1 serious and 1 moustache shot.












The Mitchells in John's Creek

I had a chance to hang with the Mitchell family in John's Creek last month.  Megan, Madison, and Sean are three of the brightest, fun kids I know.  Megan just got her driver's license and it already taking a number of AP classes.  Madison also dominates her classes while flying through the air as a competition cheerleader.  Sean is not only a rock star on drums, but you may also remember his skills from my football post last year.  We had such a fun time and I've gotta tell ya, trying to time 3 kids bouncing on a trampoline was the most difficult part of the day.  And with that said, when the toughest part of your day is bouncing on a trampoline, there's really not much to complain about.  :)


Adding a trampoline to any photo session is always a good time.

Sean had an issue with his timing.

The Giles Family at McDaniel Farm

The Giles family is one of my favorite repeat customers for yearly family portraits.  With a new edition earlier this year (Emily), Kathy wanted to make sure to get some good holiday card photos.  We headed out to McDaniel Farm Park in Gwinnett to snap some with the falling leaves.  We had a fun time, but I will say it was a bit colder than expected.  So cold, that the girls were very unhappy to be wearing such cute outfits.  Kathy always dresses her girls so well, but we all learned that if you want smiling faces, you need kids that don't feel like icicles, no matter how cute!

Stephen was so excited to see this out behind the original farm house.   I think the humor was lost on the girls.  :)


Tennessee Mountain Wedding

It's amazing how a "real job" can take away from things like blogging.  These photos were taken just 15 minutes from the Jack Daniels distillery at the Griner/Rongey wedding back in October.  It was held at the bride's parents' beautiful mountain home in Winchester, TN on a hill overlooking the Appalachian Mountains.  The Griners did an amazing job converting a garage into the reception venue by hanging lights, renting tables, and hanging big white sheets to cover up tools and farm equipment.  If I could shoot laid back outdoor country weddings for the rest of my life, I would be a happy photographer.  :)














More from the Pumpkin Patch Snot Sessions

After wiping the boogers from my 50mm lens, I was able to get more photos of Braxton from the pumpkin patch in Norcross.  He's such a fun baby to be around.  Always smiling, drooling, and laughing- except when he is distracted by a pretty girl.  No joke- Mommy and Daddy says he can pick the prettiest girl in the room out and just stare at her.  Hopefully his flirting style evolves over time because I can assure you the staring tactic can get you into more trouble than it's worth.  :)  




I was dead serious.  He's starting at a pretty girl right here.



When your photo shoot starts out like this, switch to bribery.

When there's a toddler that just isn't excited about family photos (most aren't), the best thing to do as a photographer is be patient and keep shooting.  Bribes work okay, but when McDonald's isn't enough and you're promising them a sportscar on their 16th birthday, you know it'll be the one promise they remember from their childhood.  ;)

With this shoot from last week at Agnes Scott College, the first photo sums up the first 30 minutes of shooting.  However, once I gave some time and helped Mommy and Daddy figure out what Natalie wanted to do, then the rest was cake.  I kept a smile on my face and kept shooting.  Eventually we let Natalie do her thing and we coaxed some smiles out of her along the way.  This isn't news to parents out there, but sometime you've just gotta let the kids run the show.



If she wants to play in the grass, let her play in the grass.





If she refuses to get on the swing, ask her if she wants to push Daddy on the swing.




If she won't sit next to you, ask if she wants to climb on you!



Though, of course if there's a photo you really want... have Mommy count to three "or else!"  That often works too.  :)

Our Wedding Photo Booth! (And 100th blog post!)

It has been almost one month since Keri and I were married.  That Friday was absolutely amazing and wouldn't have been the same without the help of many friends and family- you know who you are and we thank you!

One of the best things to come of that day (other than the whole marriage thing) are the final images from our photo booth.  Steve Porter was gracious enough to set up and man the photo booth all night.  As you'll be able to see in the video below, it was an incredible night full of eating, drinking, dancing, and hand puppets.  If you're looking to download photos, you can do so here!  Just click on the folder icon on the right side of your favorite pic.