Braxton Romeyn | atlanta portrait photographer

A few days before Thanksgiving this year I had the pleasure of photographing baby Braxton.  He was born last month to a couple of good friends from my day job.   This shoot was a lot of fun, but also helped me remember the top two rules of easy baby photography:

#1:  Make sure the baby is asleep. #2:  Babies hate being nekkid. 

I really think the saying should be changed to "let sleeping babies lie."  Sleeping babies are just as cute as awake babies, but don't fuss or cry.  As far as rule #2 goes, I think it's pretty easy to understand.  If you were nekkid and had someone taking pictures, I'm sure you'd cry too.  If you must have nekkid baby photos, save them for the end of the shoot so the babies can get at least some time to be happy and comfy.

The fall leaves outside were an awesome spot for a backdrop (though they sometimes made the photo look like "hey, someone left a baby over there in those leaves!").   Believe it or not, daddy claims he raked the entire yard last weekend and filled 15 yard bags.  I guess it's the price you pay for nice foliage.




See rule #2 above.

And the unintentional last photo that ended up being mommy's favorite.