
Venice, Italy | Part 1

As I have alluded to in the past, it always takes me a while to edit my personal photos.  When I go on vacation and take pictures, it always seems that when I get back, paid gigs seem to come my way and take precedent to whatever personal work I want to take care of.  As far as mine and Keri's Italy trip goes, I had weddings, portrait sessions, and the fact that I took 2,600 photos working against me. I'm trying to chip away at it city by city from the trip.  You can see Day 1 in Suttgart, Germany here.  I've finally gotten through days 2 & 3 in Venice and soon to come will be days 4 & 5 in Cinque Terre.  Feel free to give me honest feedback as I'm normally more of a portrait photographer than I am of landscapes.  If you have an interest in any prints in particular, email me!

The Rialto Bridge

We went to the island of Murano and watched this guy turn the glowing blob of glass below... this in about 5 minutes.

Europe Teaser!

You may have noticed that I haven't posted in a while.  Fortunately for me (but unfortunately for Mr. Blog), I was in Europe for a few weeks.  Keri and I had an amazing time on our first trip ever across the Atlantic.  We arrived back home last Wednesday very late and have been catching up on sleep since.  Sadly, I just uploaded all 2459 photos on my PC just last night, so I haven't even had time to go through them, let alone edit any. But, as a fun teaser I figured I'd put up a couple of quick shots from our first day.  Unexpectedly, we ended up in Germany on day 1 instead of our intended destination of Italy.  Buddy passes save a lot of money (seriously, thank you Sarah!), but are the Delta Airlines equivalent of General Motors doling out unicycles to it's employees as a means of vacation travel.  In the end, Germany was one of our favorite places on the trip thanks to one of my mom's college friends, her husband, and an all day wine festival.

I'm shooting a wedding tomorrow, so expect further delay on the Europe photos, but for now here are a couple from Stuttgart, Germany: