Keri and I have received an awesome response to our Save the Date. People have been asking me how we did it, so I figured I'd post about it. It was incredibly simple for those that have not seen a stop-motion video before. First off- there was no video footage whatsoever. The entire thing was completed using still photos. All one really needs is a camera.
For the footage of Keri and I, we had our good friend Curt come over with some props to snap the shots and help with art direction. I set up a black backdrop in the living room for our "studio." Then we set my camera on a tripod so we knew it would be in the same spot the entire time. I also had a wireless flash set up to light the entire scene (detailed info for the photo nerds below). That's all it was. Just lots of pictures in a row like a flip-book. If I were to do it again, I would have done it outside because we could only snap photos as fast as the flash could recycle. Otherwise, we could have had it look a little smoother. In the end, we walked away with 1,500 photos. I cut it down to about 1,000 for the final version (took out extra takes).
You'll see below here a shot without any editing but with the nerdy info. You can see the black cloth in the background.

For most of the shots, they're more zoomed in so I didn't have to do much in post-production. For the full length shots (the park scene), I had to take them into photoshop and black out the sides as seen here. I also added the hearts for fun.

For the chalkboard scenes I set up a chalkboard from my kitchen (Ikea) on an easel outside in the shade. I made sure to tape everything down so it didn't move from frame to frame. I also taped down my tripod for the camera. I made sure to position the camera close enough to where I didn't see the edges of the chalkboard (less work to do in post). Those scenes were really simple too. All I did was take a picture, have Keri draw one letter, take a picture, another letter, and so on. The lighting stayed mostly constant but with the outdoor light, the white balance changed a bit because of clouds and sun.

All in all it took about four hours for the live action scenes, 2 hours for the chalk scenes, and about 6 hours of post production in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. Not a bad weekend project and the outcome was perfect. Feel free to leave comments below if you have additional questions! I'm off today at 3 to take pictures of International Pillowfight Day at Freedom Park.Expect pictures on the blog!